VoIP Is'nt Just All About Low-CostVoippioV

Sunday, February 26, 2012

VoIP Is'nt Just All About Low-Cost

As VoIP gets more involved in the market, its use is penetrating even those areas which have traditionally relied heavily on the regular PSTN system to operate. One of VoIP's primary selling points is the low-cost calling that every VoIP service provider has been used to pitching to their clients. Everyone knows that VoIP is cheaper for both domestic and international calling than the old POTS. Recent advancements however, have made it clear that low-cost calling is just the beginning. VoIP brings a huge range of advantages which can benefit both businesses and consumers apart from the lower costs.In today's world, everyone has a multitude of devices. They rely on their computers for traditional e-mailing and business oriented work. Smart phones are used for making calls, scheduling their appointments, listening to music, and many other tasks. The growing tablet market has created a new segment of devices which consumers rely upon for their everyday activities. The idea of having a single telephone number for all these devices at the same time is growing in appeal. The old model where the number was linked to just one device - and needs to be changed when you move around is increasingly outdated. Everyone wants integrated communications.
VoIP can help in achieving this goal. It provides a single telephone number for the myriad devices a person has and makes it irrelevant as to which device they happen to be using at a given time. Wouldn't you rather be able to handle a call regardless of whether you're next your landline, or your mobile device, or your tablet? This facility is called SIP forking. But VoIP goes even beyond this.
Imagine having access to your call history no matter where you are or what device you use. Imagine being able to receive voicemails and accessing them irrespective of the hardware. Imagine... your communications in the cloud. VoIP sets you free in so many ways, it's impossible to fully describe them all. we are quickly progressing to a stage where VoIP service providers can inter communicate with each other using the SIP protocol. It's merely a matter of time before voice communications resemble e-mail which can be accessed from anywhere and is very cheap as well.
Of course, VoIP requires the correct infrastructure which is able to handle voice in an appropriate way. For this reason, it will never be quite as cheap as e-mail. But it can be cheap enough - certainly far more cost-efficient than the system we use today.
Bhagwad is an expert consultant on Reliable HD Voice Services. He also specializes in Managing SIP Proxy Servers.

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