Wednesday, February 29, 2012

What are the characteristics of a cloud PBX services?

Cloud PBX is Internet-based voice and data communication in the telecommunications applications, switching and memory of an external service provider hosted. Sooner were these services only for data, but with the advent of VoIP (voice over Internet Protocol), voice had become an important part of the cloud services.
That service providers take advantage of servers they have and maintain and operate their customers access to the "cloud". Supported customers pay only for services or applications that use it have obviously a really low-cost communication system without all the trouble with traditional telephone systems it.
Is that a cloud-based platform just as effectively as a software-based platform, but cost significantly can be less. Cloud communication has become attractive because the cloud can be an effective platform for voice data and video. Companies understand that an efficient phone system can be a big difference to their businesses and Virtual PBX provides the required efficiency at an affordable price.
As PBX cloud service provider for the maintenance of the PBX system is responsible, you and your staff can focus on your business and productivity. Enjoy the traditional telephone functions with the cloud PBX service such as caller ID, voicemail and call routing. In fact, there are several additional features that are missing in a regular telephone.
A Chief feature of cloud PBX is scalability. This means that not how many rows limit your cloud phone system you have. You can buy the number of rows that you now and you add rows if your business is expanding. You need to add no additional wiring install an other phone line with a cloud PBX system.
Cloud PBX is much more flexible. Because the whole system through the Internet, you have connected a phone without geographical limitations. As a result, employees in different countries can connect while all in the same system can be covered.
Some of the other features of the will include enhanced voicemail, call forwarding, Fax E-mail, phone call screening and daily reports. This phone reviews can be very helpful to develop the right marketing techniques.
With this service long distance calls are cheaper phone because the calls over the Internet, digital voice data be transferred. This allows more of a global market for many businesses opened. In addition, your employees can be found everywhere and will communicate with each other as a team by PBX telephone services in an economic way.
Which companies are most useful with Virtual PBX system is the factor mobility. Even if you or your employees are travelling on business, you will miss not your business calls. You can call the cloud PBX system automatically use your cell phone or other phones from the computer only have a number. But you must not forget that for a PBX system to work efficiently and all features and functionalities in order to take you, you have Internet access to a high speed.

The three most important characteristics of a cloud PBX are:
1. Cost savings, it is a known fact that is expensive PBX hardware to buy, to update and maintain. With PBX cloud facility numbers you only a monthly fee and no other investment or operating costs.
2. Time savings - additions, changes, and deletions to the system process with PBX hardware are expensive and time consuming. You can do this cloud PBX via a user-friendly Web interface.
3. Scalability - you can easily channels as your business grows, without that of rewire.
If you want to learn more about fax number as well as the search for more information about online fax, please visit our website for updates.

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Tuesday, February 28, 2012

VoIP on Mobile Phones - Playing Around With Networks

VoIP is a prime example of how technology has changed faster than the businesses which provide it. First smartphones made an appearance and caught the carriers flat footed as data usage skyrocketed on their wireless networks. Then VoIP started to make inroads into their revenue streams and caused knee jerk and clumsy attempts to block it like AT&T did with Skype on the iPhone. Telcos then imposed data caps on wireless traffic and also attempted to scuttle the principles of net neutrality.While all this was going on, VoIP has continued to grow and shows no signs of stopping. And it's time for the next technology feature to be incorporated into applications - or perhaps at the OS level itself. Most people these days have multiple pipes to the outside world. They have the regular voice network, their wireless data networks and also the wifi pipe. Depending on the situation and the person using it, they might prefer one network or the other to be used when available. And when more options become available they might want to switch networks in the middle.
A good example is if you're using your wireless 4G network to make VoIP calls while driving. You reach home, still attached to your phone. At this point, you'd like your wifi network to take over. It's more reliable, faster, and free. You should be able to program your phone into detecting home wifi and make the switch seamlessly. And when you move out of your home, your phone should then switch to the 4G network again.
Unfortunately not many applications provide this kind of service - which is sad since it's a natural extension of technology today. More and more people live in wifi worlds where they have access to free wireless Internet connections - specially with the proliferation of work from home capabilities. Such individuals need a way for the phone to switch on and switch off certain networks automatically.
A few applications like Rebtel have begun offering these services. But it's a far cry from the kind of deep operating system level integration we're looking for. VoIP is the ultimate flexible Internet application. You might even call it the pinnacle of Internet technology. And the demand of consumers is going to drive wireless data technology forward like never before. And for that, we are grateful. Because technology changes fast - and we want to make sure that we have the best tools available to us.
Bhagwad is an expert consultant on Secure SIP Providers. He also specializes in Secure Mobile VoIP Systems.

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Monday, February 27, 2012

The difference between VoIP and PBX

Although VoIP the rage now are phone systems when it comes to companies, it was not too long ago that PBX systems were the standard. You had the opportunity, do not handle the massive phone needs of big business, while traditional analog installations (the relegated to households). This made the darling of big business PBX. However, is that with the advent of VoIP change.
In comparison to VoIP PBX
The PBX system is in fact "big business telephone" established version of the traditional analogue for houses. PBX stands for "private branch exchange," the telecommunications system and the network for a given company. The PBX "outside phone' function over the public switched telephone network or PSTN. Within an existing PBX network, the telephone lines within the enterprise system as a sort of running small private telephone network; This network shares a number of outside lines for external calls outside of the company. These physical lines come into the building by the company, and physical lines also connect each telephone inside the building in a central LAN Control Panel.
VoIP or voice over Internet Protocol, on the other hand simply takes analog signals, those who listen to on a regular phone and converts it into digital signals, which then transferred over the Internet can be. There is no need for a separate dedicated system of PBX, because you are existing Internet access company phone systems, without that complex networks set up, this to do simply can use.
There are many benefits to these systems of companies compared to PBX.
· You are more flexible.
As Internet connectivity is so omnipresent, you can pretty much your VoIP system for your Office up and running with the simple addition of a router and some fine tuning, provided that you have already Internet connectivity. It needs use not much at all VoIP connections, set up your phone system. On the other hand, you must set up and carefully wire a PBX system, before it is running.
· You are much more cheaper both to create and sustain.
VoIP systems are much cheaper produce and easier to maintain. There again, use the Internet connection that already exists; It is simply a question of setting up a router so that you can use your Internet connection with your old phone system, if you wish, and you are in the business. It is really to talk not maintenance as opposed to a PBX phone system, which may have wiring and other maintenance.
· They give you many features for free.
You must typically for each function to pay that you use with PBX telephone systems. With VoIP, most of the features (voicemail, caller ID, call forwarding, etc.) are included, which means that you simply pay Internet your monthly fee, and there will be no additional cost.
· They give you better sound quality.
VoIP phone systems usually give much better sound quality in comparison to PBX, especially for long distance phone. This is because VoIP converts analog signals into digital data for crystal clear connections. On the other hand, analog or traditional PBX can less than stellar sound quality.
· Their long-distance calls are usually free, too.
As Internet connectivity is fairly ubiquitous, with Internet connectivity for phone access means that your long distance calls are free. PBX, can be particularly expensive fees for long distance calls and international calls on the other hand. While VoIP telephone systems may charge nominal fees for international calls, they are still a lot cheaper compared to PBX phone systems.
I suggest that you take the time to visit the website of Steve Mike levy on and find out more about the work environment of business telephone systems.
If you are looking to buy a VoIP or PBX phone system, you get access to instant price quotes in may:

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Sunday, February 26, 2012

VoIP Is'nt Just All About Low-Cost

As VoIP gets more involved in the market, its use is penetrating even those areas which have traditionally relied heavily on the regular PSTN system to operate. One of VoIP's primary selling points is the low-cost calling that every VoIP service provider has been used to pitching to their clients. Everyone knows that VoIP is cheaper for both domestic and international calling than the old POTS. Recent advancements however, have made it clear that low-cost calling is just the beginning. VoIP brings a huge range of advantages which can benefit both businesses and consumers apart from the lower costs.In today's world, everyone has a multitude of devices. They rely on their computers for traditional e-mailing and business oriented work. Smart phones are used for making calls, scheduling their appointments, listening to music, and many other tasks. The growing tablet market has created a new segment of devices which consumers rely upon for their everyday activities. The idea of having a single telephone number for all these devices at the same time is growing in appeal. The old model where the number was linked to just one device - and needs to be changed when you move around is increasingly outdated. Everyone wants integrated communications.
VoIP can help in achieving this goal. It provides a single telephone number for the myriad devices a person has and makes it irrelevant as to which device they happen to be using at a given time. Wouldn't you rather be able to handle a call regardless of whether you're next your landline, or your mobile device, or your tablet? This facility is called SIP forking. But VoIP goes even beyond this.
Imagine having access to your call history no matter where you are or what device you use. Imagine being able to receive voicemails and accessing them irrespective of the hardware. Imagine... your communications in the cloud. VoIP sets you free in so many ways, it's impossible to fully describe them all. we are quickly progressing to a stage where VoIP service providers can inter communicate with each other using the SIP protocol. It's merely a matter of time before voice communications resemble e-mail which can be accessed from anywhere and is very cheap as well.
Of course, VoIP requires the correct infrastructure which is able to handle voice in an appropriate way. For this reason, it will never be quite as cheap as e-mail. But it can be cheap enough - certainly far more cost-efficient than the system we use today.
Bhagwad is an expert consultant on Reliable HD Voice Services. He also specializes in Managing SIP Proxy Servers.

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Saturday, February 25, 2012

Should you choose an own VoIP client?

It is a fundamental lesson of the technology making things complicated. It is one of the reasons why Apple's iPhone is so extraordinarily successful. Its users are restricted in their choice of the different features that are easily available on Android phones. How to change the wallpaper in the background or the changing of the lock screen. The traditional PSTN system is suitable for communication and has become the standard just because customers very few possibilities that they have. There are a limited number of airlines, there are a limited number of protocols, and all of them work well together. VoIP offers far more than the alternative but customers. You need only the Android or iPhone market to see for yourself to visit.
There are several famous VoIP applications have won a large number of users and have been in the media extensively treated. Fring, Viber and of course the famous Skype program are examples of voice applications that are not compatible. What these applications are trying to do is to create a broad base of users who are solely dependent on their application. They hope that they to adapt the other can be a kind of semi-official standard in this way, rather than to adapt. A few of these proprietary applications have managed in this. Skype is the best example.
But if we want to be VoIP successful, we must support and use applications that enforce standardized protocols such as SIP. These applications such as CSIPSimple and SIPDroid are in a position with other SIP providers connect. Although they are all in their functions and a few configuration requirements, they play nicely with standard SIP provider. So that informed users they prefer are those that make use of proprietary protocols.
Unfortunately, an understood fact is that a person chooses and, they must communicate with whom. If all their friends are already using a particular VoIP application, almost them is forced to choose of the application to use. Network effects play the single largest role in determining what a person uses as their communication tool.
So it may be not much, what you can do, on the use of a VoIP application that play well with others. But if you have a choice, choose one that integrates well in the standards. The more people the longer lasting medicinal, it voice reach a stage is the traditional phone system is so ubiquitous today as use.
Bhagwad is a professional consultant on PBX SIP proxy server. He is specialized on the transition to HD voice systems.

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Friday, February 24, 2012

VoIP For Businesses - Answers To Frequently Asked Questions

VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) offers a range of advantages to business organizations, prompting them to shift to it from the conventional PSTN (Public Switch Telephony Network) system. Here are the answers to some Frequently Asked Questions regarding VoIP technology.VoIP is the buzzword in business communication. More businesses are shifting to VoIP based communication system from the conventional PSTN (Public Switch Telephony Network) system. Yet, VoIP remains a term that is often under appreciated. Here are answers to some questions; people often have regarding the technology.
Q. What advantages VoIP provides to businesses?
VoIP based communication not only enables the businesses curtail their telephony bills, but also help them function more efficiently in today's competitive scenario. It helps them streamline their processes according to the demands of today's requirements. A VoIP phone number, unlike a regular phone number, is fully portable. Commonly referred to as a virtual number, it remains unchanged even if a business changes its address.
Q. How is an analog PSTN telephone system connected to a digital VoIP line?
ATA (Analog Telephone Adapter) is used to act as a hardware interface between an analog PSTN telephone system and a digital VoIP line. You do not need an ATA if you are using PC-to-PC VoIP, but you will use it if the existing phones are used.
Q. What does the term 'Integrated Communications' indicate?
VoIP puts excellent communication terms in one package. These include Making cheap local and international phone calls, Have Voice messages sent to your email, Audio conferencing & Video conferencing, Call forwarding, call waiting, Fax through e-mail, Send and receive multimedia files, and Sharing photos while talking.
Q. Can VoIP integrate with other applications?
Yes, it can. As it runs on a server going through a data network, it can integrate with other applications. For instance, in call centers, the VoIP technology helps connect the phones to Customer Relationship Management (CRM) applications. The integrated technology can be used to put "click here to talk to a representative" button on a client's web page paving way for easier interaction with the business.
Q. Can VoIP technology work in tandem with communication media?
The technology can streamline with communication media. The scenario is technically called unified communication. The technology is used operate cell phones in a voice over wireless LAN mode, saving airtime minutes. It can also help connect email and VoIP, letting user's access voicemail through their email clients.
Q. What does the term VoIP Trust Model exactly mean?
A common issue regarding the mode of communication is security concerns. In the context of VoIP, it is about subscriber and network identity. As the cyberspace is a distributed environment with no central control, the identification becomes important. Two basic issues that have to be sorted out are - "Can the Network trust the subscriber?" and "Can the subscriber trust the network?" To address the issue, a mutual authentication mechanism is used for verification. The system is called VoIP Trust Model.
Business houses have been the biggest beneficiaries of the evolution of VoIP technology. However, for riding on the benefits, subscription to top rated VoIP providers is essential. A reliable VoIP network will ensure excellent technical operations, flawless data exchange and non-interrupted service availability. They have a team of technicians who keep vigil on the network and do instant troubleshooting, if required. In fact, quality of a VoIP network depends of the wholesale operator behind it.
The author of this article works with Breezecom, one of the leading wholesale VoIP providers USA based infrastructure helps them to provide services in South Asia, North Africa and the Middle East.

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

VoIP services - the future of telecommunications

Calls from a PC to another is an old fashioned thing now. These days have passed, if you needed to keep calls to on your computer to phone and receive. Here is a quick look at what this new technology is really.
The demand for VoIP services has increased in recent years. Older people were not so sure that their companies on Internet phone or not because of different types of uncertainty are involved. But with the adoption of VoIP services as a better alternative to fixed-line phones, now people have started using it more regularly and those who have not activated it plan for it. Another big advantage of this type of phone service is that you can control the service features that offers more control over your phone usage via any Internet browser from any part of the world, you.
VoIP has been designed so that it will ultimately create conveniences for others. Internet has really build bridges which facilitate opportunity of VoIP services for persons be available. But in the course of time, has to be something really comprehensive this industry started.
There are many other VoIP providers that offer the Internet phone service of mobile phone users. Many of these VoIP-providers specialize on their services offer to the companies only, while others at home offer to your telephone system, telephone users. But no matter what you are really looking at the end of the day is what matters most, the quality of telephone service, you are offered.
Many companies now actively use VoIP services for their offices. The advantages of this telephone service are far more than the customers by the fixed-line phone users. Small businesses and large companies, are both using this type of telephone services to achieve maximum productivity, Bill reducing telephone and help themselves get heavy monthly phone bill of exchange liability from the. The features offered by the companies of this telephone service are great value for money. Opting for VoIP services brings a lot of peace of mind for enterprises.
VoIP telephony have made that same PC phone technology to use calls to landline and mobile numbers, the previous possible was not possible in ancient times.
Home phone users to enjoy this service, because it is much less expensive to make and has great potential for the future. Competition in the industry is to further reduce calling costs and this telephone service is to have very user friendly. Finally, home phone user VoIP services everywhere can, which you would like without any restrictions.
VoIP services allow to save now for individuals and businesses to telecommunications costs.
Although fixed-line or the present pots service can not disappear, changes in telecommunications provided landscape as more VoIP services cheaper and more accessible bandwidth along with improvements in technology.

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Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Wholesale VoIP: Providing A Cutting Edge To Your Business Over Others

A quality VoIP service gives a boost to your business communication, thereby giving a boost to your business as a whole, as communication plays a key role in your business. Therefore it is always a good idea to approach an efficient wholesale VoIP service provider to enjoy a perfect and uninterrupted service, as it will take your communication infrastructure to a significant high, making all the interactions and dealings both so powerful and smooth. At the same time the communication cost will come down so low, making it a double gain for you.Businesses have started realizing the key benefits of using VoIP services for the conduction of all their business communications, with this service exposing them to upgraded inter communicability in the organization along with the benefit of a reduced cost. With a VoIP service in place, you can conduct long distance business communication as and when you will feel the need for the same, and that too without surpassing your budget.
You know it pretty well how important it is for your business to enjoy a perfect and uninterrupted communication service, and that too at an economical rate so that it is sustainable. And this is precisely what can be offered to you by a wholesale VoIP service provider, boasting a quality infrastructure with the appropriate technical and physical ability.
You may be wondering how to identify an appropriate wholesale VoIP service provider, right? Well, an eye for the following may help you in this regard -
Infrastructural investment - Adequate infrastructural investment on the part of the service provider is a guarantee for a quality service for your business. This is given the fact that a quality infrastructure ensures key factors like better call handling facility, resulting in better systems and a low call drop rate.
Technical expertise - Make sure about it that the service provider you choose boasts of highly skilled technical staff. They will be able to resolve all technical issues in no time on every such occasion, thus maintaining a steady and uninterrupted flow of flawless service.
A round the clock service - It is very crucial that your wholesale VoIP service provider offers round the clock service. As your business grows, it eventually leads to a round-the-clock communication scenario, and any difficulty in your communication system at any time of the day may cost you dear.
A quality customer service - Apart from technical skills, your VoIP service provider must also have a quality customer support service. That naturally guarantees a better service, thus ensuring effective troubleshooting every time there is a technical problem.
Facility of real-time online billing - It is very helpful if the service provider is offering the option for real time online billing. Such a system ensures that the billing and payment procedure is both accurate and transparent, leaving no room for any confusion or other issues.
A wide client base - Another effective way to identify a quality wholesale VoIP service provider is to look at its client base. If the service provider is found to be having a wide and elaborate client base, spreading across a number of countries and regions, then it may be taken as a recognition for the company's recognition and standing in its field.
Remember that availing the service of an efficient wholesale VoIP service provider will result in a direct as well as far reaching positive impact for your business that you can hardly wish away. With the service offering your business the double benefit of an upgraded communication infrastructure along with a reduced cost, there seems to be no reason to overlook it. So you are advised to look for an efficient wholesale VoIP service provider, and avail its service to boost your business communication that will eventually boost your business as a whole.
The author is currently associated with Breezecom, one of the top rated VoIP providers catering to a client base spread across South Asia, North Africa, Europe, the Middle East and the Americas.

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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

What services does a SIP provider?

VoIP has many components and the service as a whole depends on the weakest link in the chain. If for example your Internet connection is not up to the mark, how well your VoIP provider is or how much you pay for the service - quality is still going to suck. But there are many links which by third parties and in this article look at we need we use VoIP and how it is important to ensure that you choose the best possible SIP provider are provided. Without thorough research in which provider your needs best matches, see VoIP be a very frustrating experience. Of course, there are providers that offer all services in a bundle. Companies prefer this type of system as management is easier.

Provide a phone number
To use VoIP in a meaningful way, you need to can reach your other people on a specific telephone number. Mind you, this is very different from a particular device. VoIP can many devices have the same phone number through a feature known as a SIP branch. Although enabled clients communicate it for two SIP with each other entirely via the Internet is possible, most people will communicate via a traditional phone service. And the first thing you need SIP provider, enter a phone number.
There are not many services giving out phone numbers for free. Most of them are paid. The few organizations from numbers to do have very busy and had to be closed temporarily. Gizmo5 has been acquired by Google. Another provider with the name SIPGate ran out of phone numbers a few months ago and is now closed to new registrations.
A service called IPKall is and runs. But probably the only reason it is still, is that they telephone numbers which recover not period of 30 days. Google voice is of course no real VoIP service but they do offer a free phone number of your own.

A SIP service
The second service is the way, calls to your SIP address and direct them to a SIP client of your choice. This requires reliable servers and good uptime and its proximity to the ultimate place to reduce the delay and the out and back. Consider it as an e-Mail service provider for voice instead of text.
You create these two types of services along the VoIP experience. Professional VoIP providers join together to a single seamless experience for your company to provide, or at home.
Bhagwad is a professional consultant on mobile business VoIP systems. He is also specialized in levels of mobile VoIP service.

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Monday, February 20, 2012

WiFi VOIP Phones - Making Communications Easier

Until recent times, one was able to make free calls to any part of the world over the Internet using Voice Over Internet Protocol. With the advent of wireless VOIP phones, one no longer has to be connected to a computer in order to do this.How do WiFi phones work?
Using the same technology that computers use to connect to a wireless network, today there are wireless IP phones that do the same thing and can be carried around, like a GSM cell phone. While both use radio wave frequencies to send and receive signals, normal cell phones transmit over a 824-MHz to 894-MHz frequency, while Wifi phones transmit over a 2.4 - 5 GHz frequency. To use a Wifi phone you can dial an ID name (if calling another VOIP phone) or a number (if calling any other phone). The phone transmits the number in the form of data packets to the wireless router. The data is then transferred via the Internet to a call processor which connects to the other VOIP phones, a cell phone network or a PST network.
Popular VOIP Wifi Phones
Some wireless VOIP phones are made for a particular WiFi network. For example, Netgear WiFi phones are made for Skype while UTStarcom phones are used for Vonage. Other wireless IP phones work with a particular protocol, as opposed to a particular network, usually the SIP or Session Initiation Protocol. Some of the most popular WiFi phones include Linksys WIP300, NetGear SPH101, Cisco 7920 and ZyXEL Prestige 2000W.
Scope of WiFi Phones
WiFi phones and WiFi video phones offer a cheap way to communicate on the go and share visuals, as long as one is in the region of a wireless network. Students living on a wireless campus for example might find it economical to use such a device. Several businesses, would also find this technology useful, especially where constant communication is required between people who do not sit at a desk, for example on a cruise ship, an oil rig, a resort etc.
Telecom Business Services Inc. introduced their Wifi Video Phones. This Dual Wi-Fi Cell (GSM) Handsets is a truly mobile, standards compliant, video conferencing solutions, combining cell phone technology. Telecom Business Services Inc converts your voice into digital packets that are sent over the internet. Rupee 1 per minute for calls to US, UK, Canada and 40 other countries, Call World Wide at most economical rates.
Author is a contributor writer and industry analyst of telecommunication with years of experience. His writing and analysis offer right kind of solutions to find relevant information about the product wireless VOIP phones , WiFi video phones. To Know more about WiFi VOIP Phones please visit

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Sunday, February 19, 2012

What Are the Features of Virtual PBX Services?

Virtual PBX offers several basic and many extraordinary features particularly useful for business houses to improve their communication facility. It can be said without fear of contradiction that it is only the Virtual PBX that offers minimum investment, trouble-free operation, advanced features, scalability etc - regardless of your business size. The numerous salient features of Virtual PBX are:1. Auto-attendant (virtual receptionist), business greetings, music-on-hold, automated directory, direct inward dialing, day/ night modes, do-not-disturb, call screening, call blocking, conferencing.
2. Find me/follow me, different types of call forwarding/ call transfers, call recording, call-waiting signals, unlimited scalability, no busy signals, internet fax without any cumbersome fax machine, fax viewing options, multiple options to receive your voice and fax messages.
3. Toll-free number (optional), telephone message retrieval, message alerts, multi-stage dialing, new message not deleted, web call back, real-time records of all calls, voicemail delivery to email
Virtual PBX systems are indeed completely automated call answering and routing systems that tremendously improve the efficiency of business communication. With its innumerable professional features, PBX are ideal for all types and sizes of businesses - from proprietor and partnership businesses to large enterprises, and also travelling professionals.
With many built-in advanced and sophisticated communication features, PBX can connect business calls to any location, at any time. With call routing options, auto attendant works truly as an interface between business houses and callers. Professional call diverting options include dial by name and dial by extension.
PBX systems offer business greeting messages and on-hold messages that can be customized as per specific business needs. No business call will be missed and you can communicate professionally and efficiently with all your customers, employees, business partners and other stakeholders. Sending and receiving multiple faxes simultaneously is also possible via advanced fax mail feature. Unanswered business calls can be diverted to the voice mail box for future action.
Virtual local number with area code helps to boost your business image and with toll-free number, businesses can create a nation-wide presence. The communication requirements of business enterprises are best satisfied by Virtual PBX for a fraction of the cost. No capital expenditure or additional investment is required for availing PBX service. There are many reliable service providers that offer different cost-effective Virtual PBX service plans for businesses.
Managing your phone system is of paramount importance for both communication efficiency and cost control. You should know how many calls are being received, how many are being handled, how long callers have to wait to be connected, how you can improve your response etc. Besides, phone expenses need to be controlled or they can seriously affect your business. Virtual-PBX will provide you complete, real-time records of all incoming calls together with call date and call time, the incoming caller ID, what extension or queue the call was routed to, the caller ID of the phone that answered the call, duration of the call etc.
In fact, Virtual PBX has all the features of high-priced and sophisticated communication systems at affordable cost. The biggest advantage of virtual phone system is you are not required to invest in any hardware or software and that is a huge savings indeed. The operational expenses are also much less as you need not hire employees to maintain and manage the system. Virtual PBX lets you enjoy all the high-end features that were hitherto only the monopoly of a few large corporations.
To get more information about Internet fax as well as finding more information about Voicemail, check our website for updates.

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Saturday, February 18, 2012

What Can You Do With the Magic Jack?

House Phone: The Magic Jack is an alternative to a regular home phone line. This is an inexpensive second phone line. Think of the possibility of having a teenager with his or her own phone. What about having a phone just for your home-based business? This is a cheap relatively inexpensive alternative and people will think you are a professional in a professional office. You can also buy international minutes to call internationally with the phone device.Fax Line: Using this device is not a sure thing for faxes. Some internet providers have the CODEC and speed to pass through for a fax. I tried it with my fax machine, which is a Sharp UXP-100, and it faxed okay, but I was not able to receive a fax. I am not sure why because I was pushing the start button to receive and it kept ringing. Oh well, it is sure good to know I can send faxes with it.
Call Forwarding: You can call forward your Magic Jack number relatively easily. Just remember that if you forward it to your cell phone, your cell phone company will charge you minutes. Call forwarding to your cell phone will enable you to receive all your calls just like a regular phone.
Traveling phone: You can take this phone device with you on vacation and still have your home phone number. (Is that really a vacation?) You can send one with your college bound children for them to use to call home, since they already have a PC and most colleges have internet. How about when traveling on the job, you can still have your phone to make calls especially if you travel outside of the U.S. and take your Magic Jack with you, the calls to home in the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands are free with no extra fees.
Magic Jack as a present: If you make many calls internationally and want to talk to your family, give them this phone device and when you talk Magic Jack to Magic Jack, the calls are free, no international long distance charges. If you want to talk to someone who does not have a telephone but has a computer with internet access, give them the gift of the Magic Jack and they can now be in touch with family and friends in the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.
Decoration: Finally, if you want to use it as a decoration, it comes in pink and blue. I have the silver box with blue light that sits next to my computer. I am very utilitarian and this is okay. The other color is a pink box, which might match somebody's décor to be fashionable.
In conclusion: The Magic Jack can work as a regular home phone, small business line, check in at home phone for college students, international phone, sending fax line, gift, and as a decoration in your home.
Becoming familiar with the Magic Jack has given me the expertise to write about Magic Jack. Check out more information at

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Friday, February 17, 2012

VoIP phone systems and its benefits

Voice over IP is one of the best Web-based application can consumers and several other companies to store huge amounts of money on their phone bills, only to make all your calls over the Internet. It is a new technology telephone system which allows it, transmitted normal calls in digital form data over the Internet are converted. An Internet connection is required to make calls from such a system when compared to the old fashioned telephone lines.
VoIP phone services more and more popular and reliable. The services are provided continuously improved and extended. The popularity of VoIP services is mainly due to the fact that it cheaper if compared to the traditional phone lines to use. It provides also mobility and comfort along with a number of different advanced telecommunication features. Can find many good options for Office phones.
Some of the benefits that can arise by applying VoIP telephone systems in your company:
The first and the best advantage to offer the IP phones have, cost savings. You need to choose a VoIP system according to needs and requirements of your company.
Another big advantage offers a VoIP phone is the portability. Any VoIP phone has a unique address in the phone itself, which means that you can take your VoIP phone, wherever you want, provided that a high speed Internet connection is available.
IP phones enable you increase functions you your offices together on a private network connect can thus your voice traffic does not travel through the Internet. As a result, the long distance are if you have offices around the world. No matter where your offices can be, they all can act as a single Office.
Employees working from home can certainly benefit from the use of such telephone systems. The home page on the basis of employees can be linked easily Internet connection to the telephone system of the Office by using a high speed.
It is also useful for the mobile worker. Their employees could be anywhere in the world, but all settings would be just as they had in their real Office.
Such IP phone systems offer many advanced features such as call such as waiting, seamless call transfers, call forwarding, three-way calling, caller ID, voicemail, etc.. Data such as documents, videos, and pictures can also be used with VoIP. You will find many good suppliers for IP phones.
Big or small will benefit from VoIP phones almost every organization.
Ruth Cole is a technical writer and has written many articles about telephone office systems Waco. It has a great understanding of VoIP phones and IP phone systems Waco.

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Thursday, February 16, 2012

VoIP - answers to your questions

What is VoIP or voice over Internet Protocol?
You have ever heard of VoIP or "voice over Internet Protocol"? VoIP is a technology that turns audio signals into digital data that can then be transmitted over the Internet.
That is a simplified explanation of what is, but the real question is what it can do for you?
How is voice better than the analogue service of phone companies?
VoIP has several advantages over traditional phone service, uses the same technology.
· It saves money
VoIP service help you save considerable money, by you most of your calls in call for free. Because it uses the Internet, more will pay you for your calls as what your VoIP provider already charged you for your monthly fee. In other words, you pay a flat rate, and you're good to go. You can use over long distances worry about steep phone bills, and you can save even significant money on international calls.
· There are calls to you more clearly
Although analog service providers would agree to not, in fact VoIP service can make actually crystal-clear calls, calls, more clearly, in fact, offered as that of analogue telephone services. That's because with voice over Internet Protocol, signals in digital data transmission over the Internet are converted instantaneously, without loss of quality.
Other considerations
In addition to the obvious benefits, the VoIP can give you, is there to keep other considerations in mind, if you sign up for VoIP telephony:
· You can your analog telephone systems
Their VoIP service provider is used, is what called an analog telephone adapter so that you can use your analog telephone equipment to make calls, usually as you were. With this adapter, also known as, you can connect your standard phone one of the ATA on your computer or on the Internet through a router. The adapter is really an "analog-to-digital converter," what means that it takes the analog signal from your phone, in digital data converts it and then transmits it over the Internet.
· You can connect directly from your computer.
Is even easier than the ATA connection this type of connection, you can communicate directly through your computer. You need only a few software and some headphones with microphone, a sound card on your computer, and a fast Internet connection. Many companies out there, this kind of service offer for little or no cost and you pay only fees are that your Internet service provider fees. It has its disadvantages, you can "only" talk about your computer, but there is still another option.
· You can try before you buy
If you try voice over Internet Protocol, before you want to subscribe to a service, you can so through some free VoIP software and the Internet to find. Reload it in a few minutes set up and begin to experiment. She will pay your Internet service provider fees not on fees; You get a friend to download of the software, too, so that you can experiment before you decide to buy.
I suggest that you take the time to visit the website of Steve Mike levy on and find out more about the work environment of business telephone systems. If you are looking to purchase a PBX system may be you also get access to instant price quotes on:

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Wednesday, February 15, 2012

VoIP Phones Vs Softphones

Our telephone system and its infrastructure has evolved after decades of experimentation to finally arrive at the shape it is today. Regardless of the many inconveniences of the system, within the limits of its paradigm it's as perfect as it can possibly get. The phone in its current form and shape is ideally suited for speaking into. When shifting to VoIP systems, we want to preserve the ease of use of the old system while at the same time introducing new features which propel us into the future of telecommunications.VoIP is an application that runs on the Internet. Because of its origins, it inherits the flexibility of the underlying system. There's no "correct" way to use VoIP. You can use it in a limited way with applications such as Skype and Google Voice, or you can build complex systems in your own office and design a native solution that uniquely suits your needs. You can also take another path by getting a third party to provide you with the telephone service you need. In the same way, there are no restrictions on what kind of devices you require in order to make calls.
We have devices which look exactly like phones, but which connect to the Internet instead of the PSTN system. Then we have mobile devices running VoIP software such as SIP clients which connect to SIP providers in order to receive and make calls. An extension of this is what call centers use by running software on their computers and allowing people to speak using a headphone set.
Each has its uses and benefits. A regular "hard" VoIP phone is great for most situations which previously had a landline. The convenience of having a dedicated device which is always within reach is not to be underestimated. Dedicated VoIP phones are designed to easily speak into and require a minimal amount of effort while holding them. Cell phones or mobile phones can also serve the same purpose, but their form factor makes them just a little bit more inconvenient. Also, they're never within easy reach and need to be pulled out of pockets. They're best used on the go.
When used with a headset and a PC, VoIP becomes a power tool for heavy users. Most people will find the headphone route inconvenient. But for a person whose entire time is spent answering calls, it's hard to find a better arrangement. So all configurations have their purpose. And the best part is, you can use them all at the same time with the same telephone number! That's the magic of VoIP.
Bhagwad is an expert consultant on how to upgrade SIP Proxy Servers. He also specializes in ways to easily move to hosted PBX.

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Voice Communication Made Easy With VoIP

Voice over internet protocol or VoIP is the technology that makes it possible to talk to people in numerous parts of the world through the exchange of digital signals. Internet protocol networks like the internet are used to transmit digital signals and this enables voice communication. Though VoIP seems similar to our traditional phones, the method used for transmission of audio is very different. While traditional phones operate through the exchange of analog voice signals, the VoIP network works by conversion of these analog signals to digital ones. To convert your normal phone into a VoIP device, you can use an analog telephone adaptor (ATA) that helps in conversion of the signals.VoIP requires an internet broadband connection with a high transfer speed for transmission of digital signals. Overseas calls using a cell phone can run up your bill considerably where as VoIP phones are a good alternative. Since the internet is used by VoIP phones, they are priced reasonably. Also taxes and other levies are not laid on internet calls and local or domestic calls can also be made using VoIP phones. Phone calls can be made to any number and it is not necessary that the recipient be using VoIP. You can make calls to others who use regular phones too with your VoIP phone.
Service providers are the companies that provide the bandwidth to make internet calls. Instruments or the hardware necessary to make calls are often provided by them or need to be leased out from them. Though regular phones can also be modified to make internet calls with the help of an adaptor, most service providers promise better connectivity and voice clarity through the usage of instruments provided by them. VoIP service providers often charge a fixed fee per month and allow unlimited local calls. For international calls, the duration of the call is often a limiting factor and billing is done based on the duration of the call.
While VoIP services are available in most countries and calls using this technology can be made to anywhere in the world, it would be good to check with your service provider for the geographies he offers services to and also a tariff card to make you aware of the cost of each call. Since VoIP phones work based on the internet connectivity; in case of power outage or if the internet goes off, it would not be possible to use VoIP phones. It would not be possible to even make emergency calls with VoIP phones in case of power and internet outage.
The author of this article works with Breezecom which is associated with wholesale VoIP termination services in the Indian subcontinent and the Middle East.

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Monday, February 13, 2012

SIP trunks and provider of SIP trunking

People, the usual high numbers phone bills are for either their cell phone or landline, especially for long-distance and international calls, certainly among the primary group interested in are new technologies for voice communication such as VoIP, stands for voice over Internet Protocol. VoIP allows users to call others over the Internet at a much cheaper price than traditional telephone services. Computers, computer calls over VoIP services are free of charge. The only requirement is that you have a computer with a high enough Internet connection speed and software that enable the VoIP connection.
In recent years it was difficult and expensive to keep with friends of the family in remote locations, in particular those in contact, who lived in other countries. Today with VoIP technology another computer all over the world you can video call for free and with good quality. Can you contact with family and friends cost-effective, so very different from times that very expensive and elaborately quickly could past as telephone bills.
VoIP technology replaces the need for analog or digital telephone lines and signals. Instead, it uses Internet connectivity. You pay no fee per call, as well as time-based charging and other fees and taxes on traditional analog or digital telephone lines for the time, the use of VoIP systems. Users say that the quality of traditional digital phone calls is comparable. One reason why VoIP technology is less expensive, is that you do no circuit, make a phone call. Package switching technology is the technology replaces digital telephone lines and services. Experts estimate that if Internet VoIP calling grows continue at the present rate in ten years, traditional fiber-optic-based digital phone service no longer is in the world be used anywhere. Many new vendors available to offer VoIP technology to private and business customers.
VoIP technology can be used by SIP trunking for business customers. SIP trunking is a technology that can communicate a company that has an installed, wired IP-PBX system, use the system, continue in their company. Internet telephony service provider or ITSPs provide on a corporate network traditional phone with the outside world and other companies and individuals over the Internet to create SIP trunking. Instead of a traditional, electronic, LAN PBX phone system, IP-PBX is based on your computer, used existing phones, existing in-business Internet-networks or LANS and SIP trunk connections to the Internet, so that your business by using of mobile, fixed-line phones, computer, tablets and other Internet enabled devices.
A company or a company has the choice of still use their traditional digital or analog PBX phone system, or use an IP-based telecommunication plant system operated via computer. After your company or business with the Internet called, connects the Internet phone provider you are using the public telephone network. It connects the public telephone network to other mobile and fixed phones. You can also choose of a firewall support for SIP trunking, or an additional barrier device on the firewall, connects the route and switch the SIP trunking traffic safely and securely.
For more information about SIP trunking and various SIP trunking provider able company with VoIP technology, you can check the information at

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Sunday, February 12, 2012

Supercharged Voicemail With VoIP

Voicemail is one example of how the old telephone systems have utterly failed to adapt to the new requirements of the digital age. Initially envisioned as a mere extension of the answering machine, voicemail in its traditional form today retains all the limitations of its predecessors. It's locked down to a single device, navigation of voicemails is a pain in the butt, and when you move between devices, you don't have access to the messages which were left for you. They're not even easily accessible. You have to listen to them in serial order one by one thereby forcing you to delete them regularly even when they might be of use in the future.This is one of the areas where VoIP shines and shows how voicemail should be done. In fact, there's no technological reason to treat voicemail any differently from emails. Just like from a conceptual point of view, telephone calls need to be as simple, direct and flexible as emails or chat messages. This makes sense since the Internet is a flexible layer on which VoIP is built. New features are not built into the hardware, but are encoded as and when necessary. Each business can customize VoIP to suit the way it runs rather than the other way around.
Google Voice gives just one example of how easy it is to customize voicemail to suit your needs. Every good SIP provider should allow this malleability as well. The ability to access your voicemail from any device regardless of where it is, the capability to store them for as long as you wish. The ease of navigation between voicemails and even the capability to download them as an mp3 in case you want to preserve it for future reference separately from the rest.
When all this is possible, one has to wonder why the telcos haven't yet managed to come up with a decent portal for users to manage their voicemails online. There's nothing very technologically challenging about it and would be a great help to many individuals. Perhaps they don't want people to get used to flexibility when it comes to phone systems in general. Or they're too lazy to be bothered.
But once more and more individuals start using VoIP - and VoIP is the fastest growing traffic on the Internet - they will start demanding better services, better functionality, and more ease of use. That time is already upon as and we're in the middle of the transition even as you read this.
Bhagwad is an expert consultant on Switching SIP Accounts. He also specializes in Benefits of HD Voice.

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Saturday, February 11, 2012

What Makes the Best VoIP Provider?

Needless to say the best VoIP provider is one that is reliable and has superb quality. Gone were the days when VoIP is like operating walkie-talkies. Much improvement has been made but still, there are certain things that make users finicky about the voice quality of VoIP. So what makes the most competitive VoIP provider?Despite the high-tech gadgets and cellular phones that we now carry, a landline phone provider is still very important for business and residential use. Landline phone providers and VoIP providers offer the same services. However, there are certain services that are more similar to traditional landline phones. These types of VoIP services are hardware and subscription based. They are designed primarily for both personal and small businesses.
Once a user signs up for subscription, an adapter and a phone number will be provided. In most cases, an Internet connection is required. This adds up to the expenses although technically, the overall cost is not expensive. Benefits are added depending on the provider.
One of the first things to do in looking for the right provider is to check if they are delivering the goods. In most cases, these kinds of services are not low but they are not high either. The overall call qualities, features, and customer services should be taken into great consideration.
It is also best to go for providers that offer free tryouts. Obviously, a provider that is confident with the quality of their service will not think twice about offering tryouts. This only means they can provide the best service and they can show it to you by giving you time to realize how great their offer is.
Other providers offer unlimited calls to certain areas in the world. These providers also give a money-back guarantee should you feel that their service is not as good as they promised. There are also those who compete in terms of providing low prices and huge amount of features.
Some providers are better in terms of international calls and these companies offer service plans that are made for people who make a lot of calls outside of the US. At the same time, they provide the same quality of service when it comes to local calls.
It is important to subscribe to services and providers who do not just offer cheap services. Remember that a poor service creates more hassle than those expensive but efficient ones. In other words, choosing a VoIP provider should be based more on the quality of service than its price.
Some subscribers also take customer service for granted. The quality of customer service should be as important as the service itself. Providers that cannot attend to their customers' needs tend to lack integrity and they are not worth your hard-earned money.
To sum it all up, the best VoIP providers are the ones whose qualities transcend the basic service they are offering. These providers do not just take care of the quality of calls, they also care for your budget and overall customer experience.
Check out great deals from the best VoIP provider, and learn more about VoIP for small business now.

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Friday, February 10, 2012

VOIP Long Distance: 5 Critical Elements to Consider When Picking a Carrier

If you are looking for a VOIP provider for your business then this article is for you. Let me start by saying that I am an owner of a call center so I am extremely familiar with how important a good long distance provider is to the success of a call center. One of the most important and critical elements of a call center is internet connectivity and the long distance provider which is pretty much all VOIP now. I have used several and I mean several providers trying to find the balance between cost and quality. I will discuss quality in a minute. There are several things to consider when you evaluate a VOIP provider. They are all critical and can greatly affect the success of your operation. There are several things to consider:1. Call Routing
2. Call termination percentage
3. Cost
4. Does your carrier like call center traffic?
5. Number of simultaneous calls allowed
Let's discuss these in more detail. Some of these issues are intertwined where one has something to do with other. I will try to simplify this as much as possible.
1. Call routing:
Call routing is exactly what is sounds like. How do the calls get from point A to point B. Let's say you are making a call from New York to LA. If your call gets routed from NY to Chicago to Denver to LA, that is not a bad route and pretty direct. If your call is routed from NY to Miami to Houston to Montreal to Vancouver to Hawaii to LA, that is a pretty circuitous route. That may be a bit of an exaggeration but you get the point. The reason for the crazy routes is something called least cost routing, meaning the carrier will route the traffic in a way where it costs the least. There are a couple of problems with LCR. First is the quality of the call. The longer the route, the higher the potential for data loss and data loss means poor call quality. The second issue is latency which is the time it takes to send the information or data. The longer it takes will result in latency issues where you will hear a very discernible delay in hearing the person on the other end. So basically you say hello and it takes a few seconds to hear the reply. That is a serious problem. The last thing you want is the end user complaining that they can't hear you.
The other problem with LCR is if the call will cost the carrier too much then they won't terminate the call. So lets say you are calling Bob Smith in Branson, Missouri and the local carrier there says it is going to cost 1.5 cents to terminate that call but the VOIP carrier is charging you 1 cent, they won't terminate the call. It doesn't make sense for the VOIP carrier to lose half a cent to terminate that call. Those numbers may be off a bit but hopefully you get the point. That is where point #2 above comes in.
2. Call termination percentage:
Every business owner wants to pay as little as possible for the best possible service. That is understood but the problem with finding the lowest rate in VOIP is that it is most often directly relates to quality. And when I say quality I am talking about routing and how many calls actually get terminated. We have had many wholesale VOIP providers where our rate averaged approximately.009 cents, just under a penny. The problem was that only 59-60% of the calls were terminated. Why? The local carrier charges too much to terminate the call so the VOIP provider chose not to terminate the call because of cost. Another issue is that you are loading data into your dialer which has a cost. If you are only able to dial 60% of your data, you are essentially paying for 40% of data that you will never be able to dial. A low termination rate increases your actual cost when factoring in data cost and reduces your calling universe. Let's say you are calling a certain demographic and it comprises 1 million people. In this example you would only be able to call 600k of those potential customers which affects the campaign in many ways.
Your goal should be to find a carrier that will terminate 90% of all calls. That is what we have been experiencing for over three months with our new carrier. From my experience it is impossible to terminate 100% of all calls. That is where the cost quality ratio is important. I feel that if I can get a rate of around 1.29 cents,with 6/6 billing, and 90% completion, then you have found a great carrier to partner with.
3. Cost:
Cost is very important because it affects the overall profitability of a campaign or call center. But the above factors must be considered when looking at a carrier. There are a few things to consider when choosing a carrier. Find one that does not use LCR(least cost routing) but uses premium routes where quality is the consideration not the cost. Second, find one that bills in 6/6 increments. That means 6 second start up, not 18 seconds or worse yet 30 seconds. That may not seem like a big issue but when you start dialing 10,000 answering machines a day you will be charged for 6 seconds not 18. Being charged 18 is 300% more than being charged for 6.
4. Does your VOIP carrier like call center traffic?
This is something rarely discussed but critical. If you can find a carrier that has all the above requirements but doesn't like call center traffic, you are nowhere. Carriers typically want calls to be of a certain length and they typically don't like what they refer to as short duration calls. Most call centers will have a ton of answering machines which are short duration calls. Because most of those will be in the 6 second billing category, your average call time will appear to be pretty short. Most companies don't like this traffic. If the call time is too short, it is highly likely they will shut you off immediately leaving you in a bind. Find a carrier that is OK with call center traffic.
5. Number of simultaneous calls per second:
This is the last but important point I will make. You have to make sure that the carrier can handle the amount of calls your dialer will make per second. We have had many instances where the carrier only allowed a certain number of simultaneous calls per second. The reason is these VOIP providers turned out to be resellers of a larger carrier. That carrier didn't like call center traffic. This reseller figured they could allow a certain number of simultaneous calls and blend it with their other traffic and nobody would notice. Because of their concern they wouldn't go above 10 per second. That was a huge concern when we had 20+ agents on the phone. Think about how many calls a dialer makes at any one time. If the carrier caps your per second limit, it will slow down your dialer. The dialer will have to wait for a line to open up in order to complete your call. You will notice your average wait time go up. We experienced an agent that would normally wait 3 seconds for a call have to wait 45 seconds largely because we were overwhelming the 10 calls per second allowed by the carrier. To simplify this picture a funnel. Your dialer wants to make a ton of calls but they put a restriction on how many you can make and everything bottlenecks. Deadly ingredient since one of your main goals is to make contacts, contacts, contacts.
I hope this helps and I hope I didn't overwhelm you with too many details. Everything mentioned above is what I experienced over three years trying to find a carrier to deliver what I needed. I finally found one that delivers everything mentioned above. For the first time in three years, dealing with VOIP carrier issues has not been a daily occurrence. It works exactly as we need it to so we can focus on growth.
Rob Labutis is an expert on many call center issues. To find out more about the best VOIP provider click here now!

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Thursday, February 9, 2012

VoIP Phone Systems For Small Business-Top Features

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AppId is over the quota

Small businesses have to be able to compete with global businesses, on a global scale - and generate revenue while staying in budget. The last thing a small business can do is spend a lot of money on a phone system. This is where VoIP phone systems can help - their features are numerous at a price that most small businesses can afford with relative ease.

Below are the five most popular VoIP phone systems features - and why they should be considered for any small business.

#1 - Find-Me, Follow-Me Ringing

This is most likely the most popular VoIP phone system feature available, currently. It allows flexibility for the employee on the go (especially important with sales representatives and management) by forwarding any call from the office desk phone to the employee's PDA, laptop, or home phone (or all of the above).

#2 - Auto Attendant

This is a perfect solution for those who do not have a full-time receptionist to route calls. The auto attendant can offer routing to a directory (see #5), voicemail, and can give a standard greeting to callers that is friendly and represents the company in a professional manner at all times.

#3 - Conferencing

Unified communications technology allowing for Web and video conferencing are hugely popular for small businesses that are competing on a global scale. Reaching any contact anywhere in the world is vital to staying competitive. This is one thing that VoIP phone systems features provide at a budget-friendly rate that standard calling solutions can't.

#4 - Presence Management

This feature is ideal for internal organization and indirect customer service. This feature will show an employee who is available throughout the company, and the best way to contact him or her - via phone, email, or IM. A strong employee support such as presence management can be doubly beneficial for customer support.

#5 - Automated Directory Service (ADS)

ADS is gaining popularity among VoIP phone systems features - it allows a customer calling to speak an employee's name or extension number and be routed instantly to that person's line. A word of caution, though - make sure that the system works with heavily accented voices, and different pitches of voices in order to make sure that the routing goes smoothly. This can be tested with employees of different accents and voice ranges. This will lessen frustration for some customers down the road.

No matter what VoIP phone systems features owners choose for their small businesses, it's important to keep in mind that call quality must not be compromised. Dropped calls, static interference, and other quality issues must not come into play for small businesses. Ensure that call quality is a number one priority for the VoIP phone system of choice, and then choose features accordingly.

I suggest you take the time to visit the website of Steve Mike levy at: and learn more about the changing world of VoIP Phone Systems.

If your looking to purchase an VoIP Phone System you may also receive access to instant price quotes at:

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Wednesday, February 8, 2012

SIP Trunks Enhance Business Telephone Communications

SIP trunks (Session Initiated Protocol) are types of VoIP that allow companies to make concurrent calls over their internet connection and cut their telecommunications costs. The Public Switch Telephone Network, or PSTN, results in a system that makes some calls more expensive than other calls because carriers charge and compensate one another according to complex methods. With VoIP, customers avoid the antiquated system of wires and old switching equipment by making and receiving calls over their internet connection.
Instead of paying for both telephone and data services, companies can use their internet connection for both services. Dropping the land line will allow companies to save money, as long as they have enough bandwidth for both their telephone and data transfer needs. In addition, businesses will need to find out from their provider what equipment is required to get started with the service and whether equipment must be rented, leased or purchased.
SIP trunking helps businesses to save money. SIP to SIP calls are inexpensive, and even calls initiated from SIP and sent over the PSTN are cheaper than person-to-person PTSN calls. In addition, these systems offer multiple features. For less than the cost of a desktop computer, businesses will have the capabilities of their much larger counterparts. Companies will save money with SIP because they will quickly recoup the cost of any equipment.
Features of a trunking system include virtual local calling in any city in the world. Also, when employees travel, they will be able to carry a virtual phone number with them. Trunking systems offer advanced voice mail and calling options. In addition, some of the most advanced systems are able to integrate with customer relationship management (CRM) software.
SIP systems will work with an IP-PBX system. Trunking can also be integrated to work with old-fashioned analog and key systems using an integrated access device. In most situations, business purchase in-house PBX systems from their telecommunications provider. Then, they choose whether to use a PSTN provider or SIP trunking.
PBX hosting and in-house PBX systems both have advantages and disadvantages. PBX hosting comes with low initial cost and potentially low monthly fees, depending on the quality of the provider's call packages. Also, hosting ensures minimal maintenance costs and automatic equipment and software upgrades. However, in-house PBX allows businesses to reap the cost savings associated with SIP trunking. Typically, installing a PBX system in-house costs more up-front than PBX hosting, but businesses should remember that the cost savings from trunking will pay for the additional equipment.
SIP trunking is scalable depending on bandwidth. New lines can be installed easily as long as the business has sufficient bandwidth to accommodate them. Compressed codecs will even allow for less bandwidth per call, allowing companies to expand their lines without paying for increased internet access.
Are you looking for more information about SIP Trunks? If you are considering to get reliable and affordable SIP Trunks Providers, review the information here to find out more.

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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Strategies for Improving Mobile VoIP Quality

Despite the great leaps that VoIP has made over the years, there's a lot to be done in order to make it perfectly easy to use for the average person. It's not necessarily a bad thing right now because the industry is in a state of flux and the current confusion and complexity reflects an atmosphere of experimentation and seeing what works and what doesn't. Different configurations, different SIP providers, varying features pricing models and even business models are all in the mix. Things are slowly settling down though as the industry self organizes. SIP for example has come to be the de facto open standard for all VoIP communications and this is really a huge step.Unfortunately, the lack of standardization can sometimes hurt VoIP quality especially on devices like mobile phones which (to make things worse) also have unstandardized hardware and software. Some platforms like iOS don't allow applications to run in the background and we have to use workarounds such as push notifications instead. For this, and a variety of reasons, mobile VoIP is generally more dodgy than the same application on the desktop. Take any client which has a version for the desktop and a version for the smartphone, and you'll find that the smartphone performs just a little bit worse. There are a few things we can do to address this issue though.

Get a better smartphone!
To a certain extent, VoIP demands a certain amount of CPU power. This has to do with the codecs in use by VoIP and the encoding/decoding times can increase the apparent lag on the device. VoIP codecs are also designed for maximum compression to preserve bandwidth. So naturally, even a little bit of packet loss can result in significant degradation of VoIP quality. There are many different codecs and they all vary as to their compression capability and bandwidth requirements. The best ones like G.729 perform well on both counts. Unfortunately, it's also a licensed codec and therefore isn't free.
In the future, perhaps some of the VoIP processing can be passed along to a dedicated hardware chip instead of doing it programmatically. This is far more efficient and should represent some major speed increases. Other speed increases can come from using wifi on a router that has VoIP based QoS rules embedded into it. This will be more reliable than the wireless 3G or 4G network and will improve VoIP quality significantly.
Bhagwad is an expert consultant on Making an SIP Account. He also specializes in Mobile VoIP Phones.

View the original article here

Monday, February 6, 2012

VoIP Service Features That Make Your Telephony Business Exemplary

If you own a telephony business, reliable and superb quality wholesale VoIP services are essential to provide uninterrupted services to your customers. While choosing your service provider, you should take account of important cost saving features that give you a robust network, A-Z termination, multi-path routing and much more.
For a successful telephony business, it's imperative to provide round the clock uninterrupted services to their clients. Providing round the clock uninterrupted services to their clients is imperative for any telephony business. When it comes to VoIP wholesale services, businesses usually look for the cheapest rates. Indeed low rates can make a huge difference to a business like yours. But wouldn't it be nice if you got wide routing choices along with A-Z termination? Find a VoIP wholesaler that provides you great features to round out services that are beneficial for you in terms of cost savings as well.
Several providers leverage relationships with the regional exchange carriers as well as international carriers to meet all your VoIP termination needs. Partnering with best Tier1 carriers, these providers have their coverage areas spread across the world resulting in a wide range of high quality VoIP routes. Alongside, they manage their own IP networks which gives you more benefits, all under one roof. At the end of the day, you get higher quality VoIP routes, reliable services, quality SIP termination and lower rates.
Many a times these voice packets don't arrive at the target phone resulting in temporary call failures. To avoid that, the packets should have alternative routes to reach the target phone from the source phone with least point of failure. That's why multi-path routing is important for simultaneous transmission of packets. This will provide you better connectivity rate and optimum communication quality. In addition to that, a good IP switching and networking platform is a must to handle the rushing calls.
You should always go with a service provider that gives you fully distributed, assembled and independently accessible network along with a secure voice services. with such a network, you are left with not much of the job but receiving orders and activating devices. Apart from a competent network, backup locations for Softswitch are also essential for cutting down the operation costs.
Along with excellent voice termination, the company you choose must provide you cost effective and high quality SIP, ASR, PDD and ACD with scalability in terms of VoIP capacity. Back end connectivity, redundant system resources, interoperability with Cisco, VoiceSwitch, Quintum, Sonus, MERA and Huawei are some other features you must look for.
VoIP has an abundance of features and every feature may not necessarily be advantageous for you. So, you should choose a package which comes with features that give you optimum benefits. Bear in mind the needs of your customers and choose a package that will help you make your telephony business stand out from the rest. Combined with excellent customer services, these features will enable you to provide the best and most consistent services.
Getting simple issues resolved can be a headache sometime especially when you have to wait for days. Some wholesale VoIP providers give immediate response to all the problems of their clients. The technical support company must be capable of troubleshooting all the issues. Ensure that you get adequate help to manage your account efficiently to keep you updated on the payment, usage and changes in rates.
This article has been written by an expert associated with Breezecom, one of the leading VoIP providers Business owners partner with the company to round out their services with excellency.

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Sunday, February 5, 2012

Why VoIP on Android Is Better Than on the iPhone

In the war of the smartphone platforms, there are two camps - power users and those who like to get by with the best native experience. Historically, power users have always been the ones demanding more from their technology and while regular users don't need all that advanced functionality, some of the power user habits always trickle down to the rest of us and eventually become mainstream functionality. The PC is a great example of something being not a product, but a platform. No one buys a laptop or a computer for the native experience. The true value lies in what you install on it - Games, word processing software, browsers, image processing etc.VoIP on smartphones has so far been a power user functionality. And for this reason, Android is the better platform than the iPhone. While its true that the quality of applications and the sheer variety is great on the Apple store, third party applications are not given the same treatment as native applications. Ideally, you want the ability to customize your phone to the same extent you can customize your PC. Imagine not being able to replace Internet Explorer on your laptop and being forced to use whatever comes pre installed!
There are many VoIP apps on the iPhone market. Applications such as Truphone, Fring, Talkatone etc all enable us to use services such as Google Voice or our own SIP providers to make calls over the Internet either for free or by paying low fees the way users of services like Skype have been doing for years. But because of the limitations of third party apps on the iPhone, a VoIP application will always be a second class service.
Take Google Voice for example. Using the Google Voice app on the iPhone, you can make outgoing calls through the service in such a way that the person on the other end will see your GV number and not your regular iPhone number. That's great, but the functionality is only half way. When you want to receive calls using a third party dialer it runs into problems because the iPhone doesn't allow apps to run in the background. There are ways around this using what Apple calls "push notifications" but they're clumsy and run into a number of practical issues including the loss of wifi when the device turns off.
For true VoIP Integration with a smartphone, Android is the only way to go. The ability to replace the native dialer, run apps in the background and implement programs to keep wifi alive are all integral to the VoIP ecosystem.
Bhagwad is an expert consultant on Advanced Business VoIP Services. He also specializes in the Best VoIP Phone Systems.

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Saturday, February 4, 2012

Voice and Data VoIP System and Its Advantages in Small Businesses

VoIP or voice over Internet Protocol is a tool that can be very advantageous in your business. Voice and data VoIP system combines voice, data, and video into a single unit. With the help of VoIP, you can connect your phone line on an internet protocol network. Thus, you can combine all your communication channels that will help you do your business better. Many business owners, especially those that own small businesses do not understand the exact use of this system. Given below are some of the points that will help you understand how you can incorporate this VoIP system into your business unit.A lot of time at work goes into communicating with each other. You need to communicate with your employees and vice-versa, your employees need to communicate among themselves, and they need to communicate with parties that are indirectly involved in the functioning of your business. Communication is done through voice, data, and videos. If all this can combine into one single system, a lot of time would be saved. Time saved means money saved. This system is the voice and data VoIP system.
This system will also help you to secure the voice and video data, which is extremely important for your business.
Having a single communication system will help your employees to have network access at all times, whether they work from home or from the office.
You will have better communication tools like video conferencing, video calls, etc. You can always add phone lines as this system allows multiple phone calls across the network. With these tools, you can avoid travel and cut down your travel expenses. This amounts to cost saved for the company.
Since the entire system is centralized, you will be able to monitor the work done by the employees very well. In case of need, you will be able to communicate with any employee in a matter of minutes.
The voice and data VoIP system comes with multiple features like voicemail, video conferencing, caller id, forwarding and long distance calling, which help in making communication faster and cheaper within the organization.
Above all this system lets you change and modify phone extensions to suit your requirements. Thus, using this system gives you a lot of flexibility and saves time.
Your employees can access the data from anywhere, be it their homes, on fieldwork, in warehouses, etc. with the help of wireless IP phones.
The principle behind this system is that all analog calls are converted into packets of data. These packets travel over an Internet Protocol network and the communication takes place. You can use this on a private and public network, but in order to maintain the security of the network, using it on a private network is preferable. They system definitely helps make your work faster and easier and helps you to concentrate on your business needs rather than in planning the communication requirements. Overall, the voice and data VoIP system enables your employees to communicate easily through a single network interface.
For more information on voice & data VoIP system, check out the info available online.

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Friday, February 3, 2012

VoIP and battery life issues

As VoIP is based on a fundamentally different network than that used by the PSTN system, a mobile device has to operate two networks at the same time. Most VoIP users have to plan a normal phone voice minutes for these situations in the Wi-Fi either unavailable or flaky is connected. In any case, many users have enabled by default the mobile data networks. Thus users since lead to this the network really too excessive consumption of battery VoIP anyway - especially as VoIP is no heavy appliance when compared to some other data.
Problems can occur however when people switch to make VoIP calls with Wi-Fi. Wi-Fi is a preferred medium for such calls as compared to the available wireless data networks, is that it is almost always unlimited and far more reliable. With Internet connection at home have always a Wi-Fi router delivers the signal throughout the home. Since Wi-Fi, the Wi-Fi signal strength is always more reliable than the comparable service prefer people wirelessly by the telecom provider for VoIP calls to change. For all practical purposes, Wi-Fi is very similar to regular LAN Internet service speed, reliability and other parameters.
Now, you can see where the problem lies. To save battery power, VoIP users should the alternative calling services in switching over to Wi-Fi network for calls or to browse by ideal switch off. This reduces the load of the battery and turn expensive services that are no longer needed. This requires however a bit to play with and a certain amount of discipline. It is much easier with Wi-Fi switch, if you are at home, turn off without anything.
Of course, the ideal solution for the phone itself on the shift from hardware or software is using. Current products from innovative companies such as Republic wireless of such hardware with the appropriate software spent on allowing users to use, regardless of which network is available at the moment and to abolish what is unnecessary. However da wireless network operators currently have is a lot say unlikely, in the manufacture of mobile phones that with such a function like. At the same time, it is inevitable that technology of the street will take place to intended. It is only a matter of time before smartphones bundled his helps with these useful features to make much more battery life VoIP.
Bhagwad is a professional consultant in the selection of a SIP account. He specialized in HD configure voice systems.

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Thursday, February 2, 2012

With VoIP phones of smartphones are not only more

What happens if moves too fast compared to the serious way in human paradigms change technology? The result is that trying to fit new technologies in their old ways of thinking, so that negates the applications bring the innovations. A classic example is the telephone system. Mobile, communication has changed more than anyone can imagine in the past ten years. And even with the additions, we still try to new wine in old bottles fit. And VoIP is the flagship of the telecommunications revolution.
The two largest drivers of change in the telecom industry are the Smartphone revolution and the prevalence of Wi Fi Internet access. Everyone has access to the Internet over the air and only now people are beginning to a world think of where we can replace the traditional mobile networks with alternative systems such as WiFi. At best we can use the telecom system as a backup for moments of quick and free WiFi networks are not available.
But WiFi has been there for a while. The critical catalyst of change, however, was the rise of the Smartphone - is a misnomer. Smartphones have today to call a small part of their functionality. Further and further way from the old term of "Telephone" call as a special device it takes any new hardware and software version of this amazing device. The best we can say that they are also used to make calls.
In fact they are rather a name such as Pocket PCs - is trademark of Microsoft years ago their Windows CE platform. "Handheld Computer" would be more accurate generic term. And slowly people are starting to understand all that are in this nifty toys. The most important factor is the flexibility. Everything should be possible is possible. And VoIP is the living proof.
T-mobile voice calls bind with Wal-Mart to bare bones minutes and unlimited Wi-Fi is an example of the changing trends in the market. Republic wireless business model is based on a generous use of Wi-Fi calls. VoIP is slow everything for the better is fringe to the mainstream, and the move to make. The nature of VoIP is such that the barriers to entry are far smaller than that in the traditional telecom industry. This leads to robust competition and innovation in the field.
Bhagwad is a professional consultant on hosted PBX servers. He specialized in mobile VoIP and Smartphones.

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Wednesday, February 1, 2012

VoIP Providers and Voice Over IP Services

In the previous year's many business organizations did not give much value to VoIP as there were very few people who got to understand fully the tons of benefits that VoIP can give to their businesses. But recently, the VoIP has become the most popular telephone mechanism not only in major business organizations but also in those marginal business establishments.While as years go by, the telephone system evolved with so many attachments and applications, it remains to be the most essential tool in conducting voice communications between clients and the business staff and owners.
Computer Economics research done showed results that above seventy-five percent of commercial establishments have already shifted to using Business VoIP and about 50% of the businesses are investing in the use of Business VoIP. The primary and popular benefit of using VoIP is savings from further expenses. There are no long distance charges or toll fees when using VoIP.
Although the technology of VoIP has not undergone further adjustments, the demand for the breakthrough telephone system has not stopped and actually plenty of the small scale business organizations continue to value the use of Business VoIP. The small businesses which use this kind of cost effective phone system continue to grow in numbers.
Business VoIP is on the verge of a brighter future and is constantly transcending from being the conventional affordable phone alternative to becoming the integrated communications platform.
Soft phone calls and video calls, and intensive tele-presence can be operated in one IP network address as voice communication service. It is indeed promising for the VoIP to make further steps to transform itself to a unified communications platform.
The distance constraint is eliminated when using the Business VoIP. With its video conferencing tool, employees and the executive officers can talk face to face with other co-employees who are located in a remote location. The CEO and the big bosses in the company can host meetings or webinars without the need to go to the remote place where the other staffs are just to conduct personal meetings. There is increased productivity and lowered travel expenses. Urgent matters and issues are right away addressed with one simple call and a touch of a button.
With the sophisticated VoIP framework, office employees and entrepreneurs can work on a project in real time and communicate through the internet, video conferencing, instant messaging (IM), or emailing. These elements in the modern phone system eliminate the limits of time and help menial businesses to save more on their project budget.
The other benefit of VoIP is mobility. This is another aspect why many small industries would like to get the VoIP for any employee who is working on the field or who is traveling on an errand can be reached with just a single call number. It is even made possible for people to work at home and reached by their employers anytime, anywhere. The wireless Business VoIP will soon become an influential necessity.
With a partnered broadband internet connection, The VoIP service is such a utility. Anyone can phone anyone regardless if one has a local, international, or mobile number. The person can choose to either the other from a computer, from a specialized VoIP phone or from a conventional phone with the VoIP adapter.
The most current VoIP phones can be used whenever there is wireless frequency internet (Wi-Fi) access. This gets rid of the need for the use of any adapter and complicated wiring.
Business VoIP is the telephone of the future. For more helpful information about this cost effective and very efficient VoIP Solution, check out

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